Exporting Data

HMIS CSV / XML Program Data Export


Exporting data from the Clarity system is accomplished using the [HUDX-111] HUD CSV / XML Program Data Export report available in the reporting area.  The exported data is formatted in HUD CSV or XML.  For more information on the specifications of these data formats, review the HMIS Data Exchange Resources.

Accessing the Export

The report is located in the Report Library. The Agency version is in the HUD Reports section. Admin version is in the Administrator Reports section. The HUDX-111 report for FY 2020 and FY 2022 have been updated and was released on October 1, 2021. More details about the HUDX-111 report can be found here: [HUDX-111] HUD CSV / XML Program Data Export. 

Bed and Unit Inventory Feature

For customers using the Bed and Unit Inventory features of Clarity Human Services, be sure that a specific option on the Program settings page is toggled on:

HMIS CSV.XML Program Data Export.1

Updated: 10/07/2024