Program-Based Reports

[GNRL-400] Program Linked Service Review

Report Purpose and Summary

This report provides a list of all services provided during the reporting period and linked to selected programs.

Running the Report

Report Location

The report is found in the Program Based section of the Report Library.

Who Can Run the Report

All users may run the report. There are restrictions for which information can be accessed based on the rights of the user.


The following are required to run the report.

Program Status All Programs, Active, or Inactive
Program(s) Choose which programs to include in the report
Report Date Range Choose the date range of enrollments and services to include
Report Output Format Web Page, Excel


Note: Due to limitations in Excel rows, if an Attendance Drilldown file exceeds one million rows, the files will be split into a zip archive with a maximum limit of two million rows in the report output.

Report Details

The table is sorted by:

  1. Program Name
  2. Client
  3. Service Start Date

The table includes client name, unique identifier, the service provided, delivery type, service start date, service end date, expense amount, expense date, staff added, and added date. 

Capture 2022-09-25 at 21.42.51


To be included in the report:

  • Enrollment was active during the Reporting Period
  • Service was started during the Reporting Period
  • Service is linked to an enrollment from a selected Program
  • Service was provided during the client's enrollment period
  • For Bed Night Services, the service wasn't provided on the Program End Date

Drilldown Functionality

The only drilldown available for this report is a Daily/Multiple Attendance drilldown table which is included in the main report. It displays the itemized daily attendance, by client, during the reporting period.


Updated: 02/22/2024