Program-Based Reports

[GNRL-230] Program Group Income

Report Purpose and Summary

This program-based report provides a listing of Heads of Household (HoH) and household members, per the parameter selections, and their household income totals.

Running the Report

Report Location

This report is found in the Program Based section of the Report Library.

Who Can Run the Report

All users may run the report. There are restrictions for which information can be accessed based on the rights of the user.


The following are required to run the report.

Program Choose which program to include in the report
Income Data Source

Choose from which enrollment screen to pull the income data:

  • Program Enrollment
  • Latest Assessment
Client Type

Choose whether the clients are:

  • All (All clients active at some point during the reporting period, See HUD HMIS Reporting Glossary, Method 1)
  • Active (not exited during the reporting period)
  • Inactive (exited during the reporting period)
Report Date Range Choose the date range of enrollments to include
Report Output Format Web Page, PDF, Excel

Report Details

The table includes a listing of households and the total household income. The Heads of Household will be in bold face.

There is also a Totals table included at the end of the report.

Drilldown Functionality

The Family/Individual column includes a drilldown link to the display information from the client's profile screen.

Updated: 12/14/2023