Profile Screen Reports

[GNRL-212] Profile Details Report


Type of Report

This report requires either an Enrollment, Assessment, or Service during the reporting period. 


The Profile Details report lists all the responses to the questions on the selected profile screen. The responses for each client are included.

Running the Report

Who Can Run the Report

 All users can run the report. There are restrictions on which information can be accessed based on the user's access rights.

The Admin version of the report can be run across agencies by System Administrators and others with the appropriate access roles.

Report Location

This report can be found in the following locations in the Report Library:

  • Profile Screen Reports  → [GNRL-212] Profile Details Report
  • Administrator Reports → [GNRL-212-AD] Profile Details Report


The parameters required are as follows:

Profile Screen Choose which Profile Screen to be returned in the report.
  • Only Profile Screens with Status = Active will be displayed
Client Service Criteria
  • Not Based on Client Services
  • Based on Client Services
If you select "Based on Client Services," the two fields below will appear.
Service Status
  • All Services
  • Active Services
  • Inactive Services
Service: Service Items

Choose which service item(s) to include: 

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Client Assessment Criteria
  • Not Based on Client Assessments
  • Based on Client Assessments
If you select "Based on Client Assessments," the Assessment(s) field will appear.


Choose which assessment(s) to include: 

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Program Enrollment Criteria
  • Not Based on Program Enrollments
  • Based on Program Enrollments
If you select "Based on Program Enrollments," the four fields below will appear.
Project Type(s)

Choose which project type(s) to include: 

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Program Status
  • All
  • Active Programs
  • Inactive Programs

Choose which program(s) to include: 

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

  • Active Enrollments
  • New Enrollments
    • New Enrollments have a start date during the reporting period
Report Date Range

Choose the date range of services provided to include in the report.

  • Clients with assessments, services, or enrollments during the report period will be included in the results.

Admin Report Additional Parameters
  • Agency CoC - Only one CoC may be reported on
  • Agency Status - active, inactive, or all
  • Agency(ies) - use the CTRL key to select more than one agency


As the number of columns are dependent on screen configuration, this report is only available in Excel format. 

The report is delivered as an Excel workbook with two tabs:

  • Parameters - details the parameters selected
  • Client Profile - details the clients returned and the profile responses



  • All clients and profiles where
    • ([Service Name] is selected AND [Service] is active within reporting range)
    • OR
    • ([Assessment Name] is selected AND [Assessment Date] is within reporting range)
    • OR
    • ([Program Name] is selected AND ([Enrollment] is active during the reporting range OR [New Enrollment] during the reporting range))

Included Fields

  • Unique ID
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Social Security Number - format is xxx-xx-#### (only the last 4 is displayed)
  • Quality of SSN
  • Quality of Name
  • Quality of DoB
  • Date of Birth
  • All fields from the selected profile screen
