Report Purpose & Summary
This is a program-based report providing the employment and education status for clients who are currently enrolled and/or exited from the selected program during the selected reporting dates.
Running the Report
Report Location
This report can be found in the following location in the Report Library:
- Program Based Reports → [EMPL-102] Employment / Education Report
Who Can Run the Report
All users can run the report. There are restrictions on which information can be accessed based on the user's access rights.
The following parameters are required run the report:
Program | Choose the program to include in the report |
Report Date Range | The date range of enrollments to include in the report |
Report Output Format | Web Page, PDF, or Excel |
Report Details
The universe of clients to include uses the Active Clients logic from the Reporting Glossary. If the client has more than one project stay during the reporting period, the most recent project stay is used.
This report provides four general categories of information:
- Total Participants - Count of program participants
- Total Exited - Count of exited clients
- Total Exited and Employed - Count of exited clients who are employed
- Total Exited and in School - Count of exited clients who are attending school
The following is used to determine the categories:
- Employed clients (exit screen):
[Client has Cash Income] = Yes
AND [Earned Income] = Yes
AND [Earned Income Amount] > 0
- Clients in school (exit screen):
- [Currently Enrolled in School] = Yes
Currently, for HMIS requirements, [Currently Enrolled in School] is only required for RHY (Runaway and Homeless Youth) programs. However, the field could be included on any screen for local needs.
Report Subcategories
Each of these categories is broken down into subcategories within the report.
These data elements originate from the client profile screen.
These data elements originate from the client profile screen.
The field used is [education_level] from the enrollment screen.
- No Diploma = Options 0-7
- No schooling completed
- Nursery school to 4th grade
- 5th grade or 6th grade
- 7th grade or 8th grade
- 9th grade
- 10th grade
- 11th grade
- 12th grade, No diploma
- Diploma or GED = Options 10 or 11
- High school diploma
- Post High School = Option 12
- Post-secondary school

Marital Status
The field used is [marital_status] from the profile screen.
- Married = Options 2
- Married
- Divorced = Option 4
- Single (Divorced)
- Widowed = Option 5
- Widowed/Death
- Single = Option 1
- Single (Never Married)
- Separated = Options 3
- Separated/Trial Separation/Partner Left

Dependent Children
- Dependent Children under 6 years
- Count of clients where
- [Current Age] < 6 years old and has additional household members
- Count of clients where
- Dependent Children 6-18 years
- Count of clients where
- [Current Age] >= 6 years old AND < =18 years old and has additional household members
- Count of clients where
Race & Ethnicity
These data elements originate from the client profile screen.
Public Assistance
This indicates whether the client is receiving non-cash benefits. This comes from the program enrollment screen.
Drilldown Functionality
The total for each category has drilldown functionality. Drilling down on any of these totals will generate a client list for the chosen category.
Updated 12/18/2023