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[DQXX-110] Duplicate Clients
Report Purpose & Summary
The Duplicate Clients report identifies client records that have matching Personal IDs.
Running the Report
Who Can Run the Report
All users can run the report. There are restrictions on which information can be accessed based on the user's access rights.
The Admin version of the report can be run across agencies by System Administrators and others with the appropriate access roles.
Report Location
This report can be found in the following locations in the Report Library:
- Data Quality Reports → [DQXX-110] Duplicate Clients
- Administrator Reports → [DQXX-110-AD] Duplicate Clients
Report Output Format | Web Page, Excel |
Report Logic
This report identifies client records with identical Personal IDs. These are records that were either manually assigned matching Personal IDs using the LINK tool, or were automatically assigned matching Personal IDs through the following process:
- When a client record is created, recovered, or updated, the system looks for records that "match" but have different Personal IDs.
- The system first looks at the following fields to determine if the records are an exact match:
- Personal Identifying Information (PII) fields
- Name
Race and Ethnicity
Veteran Status
- Data Quality (DQ) fields
- Quality of Name
- Quality of SSN
- Quality of DOB
- The system will automatically update the Personal ID of the new/recovered/updated record to the Personal ID of the matching record.
Report Details
The first column in the report has a "lock" icon as its header. A "Y" in the "lock" column indicates that the profile is private.
Records are grouped by Personal ID, with the primary record indicated by a bold font.
For each record, the report lists the PII and DQ fields used for establishing Personal ID matching, along with the following details:
- Unique ID
Added Date
Agency Name
Note: There may be a lag of up to 10 minutes before an update to a Personal ID appears in the report.