Importing Data

Data Import Tool (DIT) Sample Files


These sample files cover common import scenarios:

  • Simple CSV data set: contains sample clients and enrollments at five different projects. Includes enough data to allow for Program and Services mapping. 
  • Minimal HMIS CSV File (one enrollment record): contains a single sample client with a single enrollment. It also contains the requisite project record, necessary when there is an enrollment record included. 
  • Clarity XML Unique Identifier: XML file demonstrating how to make an external client record match with an already existing Clarity Human Services client record, using the client's unique identifier.
  • Clarity XML Custom Fields: XML file that includes custom Client Profile fields, as well as custom fields for enrollment, exit, status update, and annual assessment.
  • Clarity XML Single Client: XML file that contains only one client record to illustrate what a minimal XML file might look like.

Updated: 05/24/2024