Release Notes Summary
The changes outlined here will be released to Looker training instances on 7/1/2024 and production instances on 07/15/2024. Deployment should be complete by 8am ET. There may be slight delays when accessing Looker after the release as the system updates are being applied.
LookML Dashboards
- The Program Performance LookML Dashboard was updated to remove program-specific V1 Veteran's Information from the relevant UDE tiles in the Data Quality section.
- California Customers: AB 977 Content created by Bitfocus in Looker will be flagged with a Retired suffix as of the July Release. Please note, this content will not be deleted but can be removed by Bitfocus if requested.
Client Model, Coordinated Entry Model, Data Quality Model, HMIS Performance Model, Population Over Time Model
- The fields in the “Chronically Homeless” Group of the “Entry Screen” View have been refactored to better reflect the HMIS Reporting Glossary.
- The field description for “Data Collection Stage” in Data Collection Stage, Entry Screen, Status Update Screen, and Update/Exit Screen views has been updated.
Inventory Model
- Added a new “Unit Occupancy Status” field to the “Unit Occupancy” view.
- Updates to the “Unit Occupancy Assignment Date Field” in the “Unit Occupancy” view.
Project Descriptor Model
- Added “Navigation Profile” and “Primary Coordinated Entry Group” to the “Agencies” view.
Detailed Changes
Client Model, Coordinated Entry Model, Data Quality Model, HMIS Performance Model, Population Over Time Model
The fields in the “Chronically Homeless” Group of the “Entry Screen” View have been refactored to better reflect the HMIS Reporting Glossary.
- The field “PIT/Current Date - Individual” in the “Chronically Homeless” group of the “Entry Screen” view has been renamed "PIT/Current Date - Household".
- The “PIT/Current Date - Household” field now evaluates the Chronic Homelessness Status of the household in which the client is a member on the date the report is run.
- The HUD Reporting Glossary now contains the following language around counting the chronic homelessness status of households at a point in time: “Multi-person households may be considered CH as of the [point-in-time date] if at least one adult or minor head of household as of the [point-in-time date] and is considered CH as of the [point-in-time date]...” (Reporting Glossary, P.15) See the HMIS reporting glossary for more details.
- Field changes:
- Label change “Chronically Homeless PIT/Current Date - Individual” → “Chronically Homeless PIT/Current Date - Household”
- Field name change “chronically_homeless_at_entry.is_chronic_homeless_pit” → “chronically_homeless_at_pit_household.chronically_homeless_at_pit_household”
- “PIT/Current Date - Individual” was a “Yes/No” field type. The new field “PIT/Current Date - Household” is a “String” field type.
- Field changes:
- The fields "Project Start - Individual", “Project Start - Household”, and “PIT/Current Date - Individual” in the “Chronically Homeless” group of the “Entry Screen” view have been updated to reflect changes in the 2024 HMIS Reporting Glossary.
- Each of the fields now evaluates the Chronic Homelessness Status of the household to account for required dependent fields where the value is any of the following: "Client doesn't know", "Client prefers not to answer", "Data not collected", or is NULL.
- If the individual or a member of the household is above the age of 18 and meets the criteria for chronic homelessness at the beginning of the program the field will return "Yes".
- If the individual does not meet the requirements to be considered chronically homeless and any of the following required dependent data elements, 3.08, 3.917A, or 3.917B have a response of 8 ("Client doesn't know") or 9 ("Client prefers not to answer"), the field will return "DK/PNTA".
- If 3.08, 3.917A, or 3.917B have a response of 99 ("Data Not Collected") or are NULL, the field will return "Missing".
- If the individual is not chronically homeless, and no required dependent fields have a response of 8, 9, 99, or NULL, the field will return "No".
- Field Changes:
- “Project Start - Household” has changed from a “Yes/No” field type to a “String” field type
- Updated the description for the field “Data Collection Stage” in the Data Collection Stage, Entry Screen, Status Update Screen, and Update/Exit Screen Views to read “Identifies the Data Collection Stage.HMIS Data Element 5.03 : Project Entry, Project Update (Status Assessment), Project Annual Assessment, Project Exit or Post Exit”
Required Actions:
Update custom fields or filters where “Chronically Homeless Project Start - Individual", "Chronically Homeless Project Start - Household", "Chronically Homeless at PIT / Current Date - Household" is filtered to “No” to include “Missing” and “DK/PNTA” as necessary.
Update any filters or custom fields with "Chronically Homeless Project Start - Household", or "Chronically Homeless at PIT / Current Date - Household" to account for data type change from “Yes/No” to “String”.
Inventory Model
- Updated the "Unit Occupancy Assignment Date" field in the Inventory Model to show the added date for direct program assignments.Filtered out unit occupancy records where the referral to the unit was deleted and no occupancy took place.
- Added a new "Referral Assignment Status" field to the “Unit Occupancy” view so that users can understand records where the referral to the unit was deleted but there was still a valid occupancy.
- New Fields:
- “Referral Assignment Status”
- “Status of the Referral Assignment for the Unit Occupancy Record. The Status will be Inactive if the unit occupancy was assigned by a referral which has been denied, expired or deleted, or an upcoming referral which was canceled.”
- Field name: “unit_occupancy.status_text”
Required Action: None
Project Descriptor Model
- The dimensions "Navigation Profile" and "Primary Coordinated Entry Group" have been added to the "Agencies" view for the Project Descriptor model. No action needed.
- New Fields
- Navigation Profile
- “The Navigation Profile assigned to the Agency.”
- Field name: “agencies.navigation_profile”
- Primary Coordinated Entry Group
- “For those instance setups not having the Coordinated Entry Type setting as Sharing Groups Based, this field is always NULL. Otherwise it shows the name of the Sharing Group selected as the primary group for Coordinated Entry. If no group is selected it shows "Disabled".”
- Field name: “agencies.coordinated_entry”
- Navigation Profile
Required Action: None