Data Analysis Release Notes

Data Analysis Release Notes 6/18/2024


Release Notes Summary

The changes outlined here will be released to Looker training instances on 06/4/2024 and

production instances on 06/18/2024. Deployment should be complete by 8am ET. There may be

slight delays when accessing Looker after the release as the system updates are being applied.

The outreach model is being replaced by the outreach_v2 model, and the outreach_v2 model is being deprecated. See notes below. 

Updates have been made to customer custom fields that have “Client Refused” as an option have been changed to “Client prefers not to answer”. 

Client Model, Coordinated Entry Model, Data Quality Model, and HMIS Performance Model

A new field “Personal ID Manually Updated” has been added to the “Clients” View. 

Updated the label for the "Entry Screen: Private Disability Insurance Amount" field to differentiate from "Private Disability Insurance".

Outreach V2 Model

The Outreach (Beta) model will be removed and the Outreach V2 model will be renamed and URL reset to the url for the Outreach (Beta) model. In effect, the current Outreach (Beta) model will be replaced with the Outreach V2 model. All looks currently built with the Outreach (Beta) model will need to be updated with the new fields available in the Outreach V2 model.

Visibility and permissions updates were made to account for the “Restrict by CoC” toggle in Outreach Settings when displaying encampment stay and encampment information.

Detailed Changes

Updates have been made to Clarity custom fields that have “Client Refused” as an option have been changed to “Client prefers not to answer”. 

Required Action: Any filters or Looker custom fields that have “Client Refused” hardcoded for Clarity custom fields need to be updated to use “Client prefers not to answer”. 

Client Model, Coordinated Entry Model, Data Quality Model, and HMIS Performance Model

  • A new field “Personal ID Manually Updated” has been added to the “Clients” View.  This field displays a "Yes" if  a client's "Personal ID" has been updated manually and a "No" if a client's "Personal ID" has not been updated manually.
  • New Fields: 
    • Personal ID Manually Updated
      • Has the client’s Personal ID been updated manually?
      • Field name: “clients.manual_duplication_management”
  • Updated the label for the "Entry Screen: Private Disability Insurance Amount" dimension. The label has changed from "Entry Screen: Private Disability Insurance" to “Entry Screen: Private Disability Insurance Amount"
    • Field name:  "entry_screen.income_private_disability" 

Required Action:  Any User Created Spreadsheets of data exported through Looker that use the “Private Disability Insurance” field label as a header will need to be updated.

Outreach V2 Model

The Outreach (Beta) model will be removed and the Outreach V2 model will be renamed and URL reset to Outreach. In effect, the current Outreach (Beta) model will be replaced with the Outreach V2 model. All looks currently built with the Outreach (Beta) model will need to be updated with the new fields available in the Outreach V2 model.

In the Outreach V2 model, embedded looker users and standalone users with visibility restrictions are now only able to see encampment stays and encampments in CoCs related to their home agency, or CoCs where they have additional agency access if the other CoCs have the "Restrict by CoC" toggle applied in their Outreach Settings menu. Users with the "Full System Sharing Access" permission are able to see all encampment stays and encampments. 

Required Action:  

  • Any looks or dashboard tiles created with the outreach_v2 model need to be recreated in the outreach model. Looks created with outreach_v2 will no longer be viewable.
    • However, users can change the connection model by directly editing the URL of the explore that underlies the look.
      • To view the explore’s url, click “Explore from here” from the folder that contains the look.
      • For a dashboard tile, click “Explore from here” from the dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner of the tile. 
    • Update the url in your address bar to use the outreach model instead of the outreach_v2 model. The name of the model is after the “connection model” section and before the “?qid” section of the url. 
    • Looks updated to the outreach model from the outreach_v2 model will no longer contain fields from the clients view. These fields will need to be re-added. 

Upcoming Changes to Chronic Homelessness Dimensions: 

In the July release, the fields in the “Chronically Homeless” Group of the “Entry Screen” View in the HMIS Performance Model and Coordinated Entry Model will be refactored to better reflect the HMIS Reporting Glossary.

The field “PIT/Current Date - Individual” will be renamed to “PIT/Current Date - Household” and will reflect updated logic from the 2024 Reporting Glossary that defines aging into chronic homelessness for households. 

The Reporting Glossary now contains the following language around counting the chronic homelessness status of households at a point in time: “Multi-person households may be considered CH as of the [point-in-time date] if at least one adult or minor head of household as of the [point-in-time date] and is considered CH as of the [point-in-time date]...” 

The fields “Project Start - Household”, “Project Start - Individual”, and “PIT/Current Date - Individual”, will return “Missing” or “DK/PNTA” when the household or individual is not chronically homeless and certain elements of their entry record are missing information required to calculate chronic homelessness. 

See the HMIS reporting glossary for more details. 

Upcoming Required Action: In the July release, users will need to update any custom fields or filters where “Project Start - Household”, “Project Start - Individual”, or “PIT/Current Date - Individual” were filtered to “No” to take into account records that will now display as “Missing” or “DK/PNTA”. 

Update any location where the field name chronically_homeless_at_entry.is_chronic_homeless_pit is directly referenced (custom fields, table calculations, API calls).