Data Analysis Release Notes

Data Analysis Release Notes 5/22/2023

Release Notes Summary:

The changes outlined here will be released to Looker training instances on 5/8/23 and production and migration instances on 5/22/23. There may be changes to this article until the release date. 

LookML Dashboards: Three new LookML dashboards are available. Four LookML dashboards are being retired.

Coordinated Entry Model: A bug has been fixed that makes visibility more closely match Clarity settings.

Client Model: Updated description for "Last Activity Date" field.  

HMIS Performance Model: Updates to labels to allow users to see the correct timeframes in the “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Permanent Exit Information” and "“System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Re-Entry Information” fields

Inventory Model: Updates to join structure to improve performance. 

Outreach Model:  Added Encampment Stay Date Filter and Aggregate Days in encampments fields

Detailed Notes: 

LookML Dashboards: 

  • A new "Recidivism - Returns To Homelessness" LookML Dashboard is available that is more dynamic than the previous dashboard and more closely mirrors SPM 2 Recidivism logic. The existing “Recidivism - Returns to Homelessness” LookML Dashboard is now labeled as “Retired”.
  • A new  “Clarity Usage and System Stats” LookML Dashboard is now available. The existing “Clarity Usage and System Stats” LookML Dashboard is now labeled as “Retired".
  • The “Coordinated Entry Matchmaker and Stakeholder (Retired)” and “Street Outreach (Retired)” have officially been decommissioned.
  • A new  “Clarity Usage and System Stats” LookML Dashboard is now available. The existing “Clarity Usage and System Stats” LookML Dashboard is now labeled as “Retired".
  • A New LookML Data Quality Dashboard was created to replace the previous Data Quality Summary Dashboard.

Coordinated Entry Model:

A bug was fixed in the Coordinated Entry Model that affected client visibility under uncommon circumstances. Embedded Looker users using the Coordinated Entry Model now have visibility settings more closely based on the sharing settings of the agency that created the client in Clarity.

Required Actions: None

Client Model: 

The description for the field “Last Activity Date” in the “Clients” View of the Client Model was changed to include Coordinated Entry Events, and remove Unit Connections.

Required Actions: None

HMIS Performance Model:

Updates to labels in the “System Performance Measures” View of the HMIS Performance Model. In the Measure 2 Group, “Permanent Exit Information Date” and “Re-Entry Information Date” were only showing “Date” rather than the correct timeframes. With this fix, all timeframes (“Date”,”Week”,”Month”,”Quarter”, and ”Year”) are viewable. The looker field names have not changed. 

Changed Fields: 

  • Label for exit_screen_spm2_spm.program_week change “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Permanent Exit Information Date” → “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Permanent Exit Information Week”
  • Label for exit_screen_spm2_spm.program_month change “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Permanent Exit Information Date” → “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Permanent Exit Information Month”
  • Label for exit_screen_spm2_spm.program_quarter change “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Permanent Exit Information Date” → “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Permanent Exit Information Quarter”
  • Label for exit_screen_spm2_spm.program_year change “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Permanent Exit Information Date” → “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Permanent Exit Information Year”
  • Label for reentry_screen_spm2_spm.program_week change “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Re-Entry Information Date” → “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Re-Entry Information Week”
  • Label for reentry_screen_spm2_spm.program_month change “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Re-Entry Information Date” → “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Re-Entry Information Month”
  • Label for reentry_screen_spm2_spm.program_quarter change “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Re-Entry Information Date” → “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Re-Entry Information Quarter”
  • Label for reentry_screen_spm2_spm.program_year change “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Re-Entry Information Date” → “System Performance Measures: Measure 2: Re-Entry Information Year”

Required Actions: None.

Inventory Model:

A change was made to the "Clients" view in the inventory model to improve performance. Clients are now joined to the explore first by the enrollment attached to the unit occupancy. If the unit occupancy had a referral and no enrollment, the client is joined into the explore on the referral. Some existing looks may show different results if clients in the inventory model if clients had referrals linked to unit occupancies and no enrollments.

Required Actions: None. 


Outreach Model:

The Outreach model has been updated to include, 'Encampment Stay Date Filter', a date filter field based on client encampment stays.  Along with the 'Encampment Stay Date Filter', objects for the 'Encampment Stay Filter Start Date' and 'Encampment Stay Filter End Date' have been added.  

The fields 'Estimated Days Client Active During the Reporting Period', 'Estimated Total Days Client Active During the Reporting Period ', and 'Estimated Average Days Client Active During the Reporting Period' have been added to provide aggregated number of days a client has been active in an encampment stay, limited to days within the reporting period.
If the reporting period is set to 'is before' the calculation will be based on days between 'Client Start Date' and 'Client End Date' or 'Encampment Stay Filter End Date', whichever comes first.  If the reporting period is set to 'on or after' the calculation will be based on days between 'Client Start Date' or 'Encampment Stay Filter Start Date', which is later, and the 'Client End Date' or current date if 'Client End Date' is null.  If reporting filter is not included or is set to 'is any time', the 'Estimated Days Client Active During the Reporting Period' will be equivalent to 'Estimated Total Days Client Active'.

The fields 'Client Id', 'Encampment Id', 'Encampment Name', 'Client Start Date', and 'Client End Date' have been added to a drill down for 'Estimated Total Days Active During Reporting Period', 'Estimated Average Days Active During Reporting Period', 'Estimated Total Days Client Active', and 'Estimated Average Days Client Active'.

Required Actions: None.