Release Notes Summary:
LookML Dashboards
Both inventory-based LookML dashboards were updated to account for the new “Total Beds” measure and the new Bed Availability Status, Bed Occupancy, and Bed Status views.
In the Overlapping Enrollments tile of the LSA Data Cleanup dashboard, the new field Overlapping Project Start Date replaced the field Overlapping Start Date
In the Program Performance Dashboard, the Veteran Status dashboard filter was updated to include filtering on the Data Quality Looks.
Client Model, Coordinated Entry Model, HMIS Performance Model
A new field "Is Bulk Exit?" is available in the view "Update/Exit Screen” which denotes that an exit was created through the bulk exit functionality.
Required Actions: None
Client Model, HMIS Performance Model
The 'Client Program Restrictions' view has been added to the Client Model and HMIS Performance Model. These fields correspond to the new client program restriction feature in clarity and can be used to analyze clients’ restrictions from programs.
Required Actions: None
Project Descriptor Model, HMIS Performance Model
In the "Bed and Unit Inventory" view, the data type of all the fields in the “Bed Allocation” group has been changed from string to integer.
Required Actions: Check that any uses of the “Bed Allocation” fields do not use string methods in custom dimensions or measures.
Client Model, Coordinated Entry Model
Two new dimensions have been added to the “Referral Community Queues” group in the “Referrals View”.
Required Actions: None
Inventory Model, Project Descriptor Model
The label and LookML field name for fields named "Other Agency Referrals Allowed" has been changed to "Restricted Agency Referrals" in the “Buildings”, “Units”, “Unit Configuration Beds”, and “Programs” views in the Inventory and Project Descriptor Models. The new fields have been aliased to the old field name. References to the fields named “other_agency_referrals_allowed” will redirect to “restricted_agency_referrals” in looker content.
In the “Inventory - Building Units” view, two new measures have been added.
When beds are enabled for a unit, the “Total Beds” measure counts the distinct unique bed identifiers associated with the unit. When beds are not enabled for a unit, the measure sums the bed inventory measures on the unit configurations page. This new measure makes it easier to analyze the bed inventory of all units included in an explore regardless of how they have enabled beds and makes use of the new unique bed identifier feature.
The “Max Available Beds” measure is a sum of the maximum number of available beds related to a particular unit throughout that unit’s configuration history.
A new "Bed ID" dimension has been added to the “Inventory - Building Units” View. This dimension displays the unique identifier of a bed linked to a unit with the "Enable Beds" toggle switched on. This unique identifier is different from the “Unit Configuration Bed ID” because it uniquely identifies the combination of the bed and unit. “Unit Configuration Bed ID” could have the same value across multiple units and could only be uniquely identified in combination with the “Unit ID” field.
The "Inventory - Bed Status" view has been added. Please see the note about new Bed views in the Inventory model for more details.
Required Actions:
Any use of the "other_agency_referrals_allowed" LookML field names in data exports or API calls will need to change the field name to “restricted_agency_referrals”.
Any looker content using the “Unit Status” view to analyze Bed Status information needs to be updated to use the “Bed Status” view instead.
Project Descriptor Model, Data Quality Model
Two new fields are available in the “Programs” view related to Program Bulk Exits.
Required Actions: None
Outreach Model, Inventory Model
Five new client demographics fields are now available in the “Clients” view.
Required Actions: None
Client Model
A new "Deleted” field has been added to the “Current Living Situation” view in the Client Model. This field allows users to see the deleted status of the current living situation screen.
A new view, “Client Linking History”, has been created and added to the Client Model. This view shows information about a client’s previous “Personal ID” records and how their “Personal ID” records have changed over time.
Required Actions: None
Inventory Model
Three new views have been added to the Inventory model: "Bed Occupancy", “Bed Status”, and "Bed Availability Status". Before this update, bed information was displayed in the “Unit Occupancy”, “Unit Status”, and “Unit Availability Status” view when the explore included the unit configuration beds. With this update the fields in each of the “Bed” views are applicable only to beds in the “Inventory - Unit Configuration Beds” view. The fields in each of the “Unit” views are only applicable to units in the “Inventory - Building Units” view.
Added three Agency Name fields to the “Inventory - Programs” view.
Required Actions: Any looker content using the “Unit Availability Status” or “Unit Occupancy” views to analyze Bed Availability Status or Bed Occupancy information needs to be updated to use the “Bed Availability Status” or “Bed Occupancy” view instead.
Project Descriptor Model
The field 'Program Requirements Eligibility Utilized' has been added to the Project Descriptor model, under the “Programs” View. This field displays if a program has ever been included in a client program restriction.
Required Actions: None
Data Quality Model
The “Veteran Status” field is now exposed in the “Clients” View.
New date fields have been added to the "DQ Sys Admin" view under the "Overlapping Residential Stays" Group. This field displays the start date of the overlapping program, regardless of the housing move-in date.
Required Actions: None
Outreach Model
The "Encampment Custom" and "Encampment Custom History" views have been merged into a single "Encampment Custom" view. This view contains all the custom fields of the instance.
A new "Encampment Status" view has been added to expose fields related to the encampment status. The view includes an “Is Last Status Record Per Encampment?” field and an “Is Last Status Record Per Encampment? (Filter Dependent)” to allow users to filter for the record with the most recent “As Of Date” by encampment and using other filters included in the explore.
Five new client demographics fields are now available in the “Clients” view in the outreach model.
Required Actions: None
HMIS Performance Model:
Added the "Active?" field to the geolocations group in the "Location" group of the "Current Living Situations" view in the HMIS Performance model.
Required Actions: None
Detailed Release Notes:
LookML Dashboards
Both inventory-based LookML dashboards were updated to account for the new “Total Beds” measure and the new Bed Availability Status, Bed Occupancy, and Bed Status views.
In the Overlapping Enrollments tile of the LSA Data Cleanup dashboard, the new field Overlapping Project Start Date replaced the field Overlapping Start Date
In the Program Performance Dashboard, The Veteran Status dashboard filter was updated to include filtering on the Data Quality Looks.
Required Actions: None
Client Model, Coordinated Entry Model, HMIS Performance Model
A new field "Is Bulk Exit?" is available in the view "Update/Exit Screen” which denotes that an exit was created through the bulk exit functionality.
- "Is Bulk Exit?"
- Description: "Was the enrollment exited using the Bulk Exit Active Clients functionality on the project setup screen? The Bulk Exit function exits enrollments in projects that are no longer active."
- LookML Field Name: last_screen.is_bulk_exit
Required Actions: None
Client Model, HMIS Performance Model
The 'Client Program Restrictions' view has been added to the Client Model and HMIS Performance Model. These fields correspond to the new client program restriction feature in clarity and can be used to analyze clients’ restrictions from programs.
Note: Program ID and Program Name are only exposed under the Client Program Restrictions in the Client Model.
New Fields:
- “ID”
- Description: “Unique ID of the 'Client Program Restriction' record.”
- LookML Field Name:
- “Start Date”
- Description: “Start date of the client program restriction record.”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.start_date
- Also includes Start Time, Start Week, Start Month, Start Quarter and Start Year
- “End Date”
- Description: “End date of the client program restriction record.”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.end_date
- Also includes End Time, End Week, End Month, End Quarter and End Year
- “Reason for Program Restriction”
- Description: “The reason a program restriction was created”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.reason
- “Notes”
- Description: “The note or special instructions associated with the client program restriction.”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.notes
- “Private”
- Description: “Yes/No if the client program restriction record is marked as private”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.private
- “Added Date”
- Description: “Date the client program restriction record was added.”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.added_date
- Also includes Added Time, Added Week, Added Month, Added Quarter, and Added Year.
- “User Creating”
- Description: “User that created the client program restriction.”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.user_creating
- “User Home Agency ID”
- Description: “Unique ID of the Home Agency of the user creating the client program restriction.”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.ref_user_home_agency
- “User Home Agency”
- Description: “Name of the home agency of the user creating the client program restriction.”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.ref_user_home_agency_text
- “Last Updated Date”
- Description: “Date the client program restriction record was last updated.”
- LookML Field Name: client_restrictions.last_updated_date
- Also includes Last Updated Time
- “User Updating”
- Description: “User that updated the client program restriction”
- LookML Field Name: client-restrictions.user_updating
The following three fields have been added to the client model only:
- Program ID
- Description: “Unique internal ID of project associated with 'Client Program Restriction'.”
- LookML Field Name: client_program_restrictions.program_id
- Program Name
- Description: “Name of project associated with ‘Client Program Restriction’.”
- LookML Field Name: client_program_restrictions.program_name
- Deleted
- Description: “Has the client program restriction record been deleted?”
- LookML Field Name: client_program_restrictions.deleted
Required Actions: None
Project Descriptor Model, HMIS Performance Model
In the "Bed and Unit Inventory" view, the data type of all the fields in the “Bed Allocation” group has been changed from string to integer.
The following fields have been changed from a string datatype to an integer datatype:
- "Chronically Homeless Veteran"
- "Youth-Veteran"
- "Other Veteran"
- "Chronically Homeless Youth"
- "Other Youth"
- "Other Chronically Homeless"
- "Non-Dedicated"
- "Total Bed Inventory"
- "Total Unit Inventory"
Required Actions: Check that any uses of the “Bed Allocation” fields do not use string methods in custom dimensions or measures.
Client Model, Coordinated Entry Model
Two new dimensions have been added to the “Referral Community Queues” group in the “Referrals View”.
New Fields:
- “Inactive Referral Expiration Threshold”
- Description: “Inactive Referral Expiration Threshold (Days)”
- LookML Field Name: referrals_referral_community_queues.community_threshold
- “Community Referral Threshold”
- Description: “Inactive Referral Expiration Threshold (Days)”
- LookML Field Name: referrals_referral_community_queues.community_inactive
Required Actions: None
Inventory Model, Project Descriptor Model
The label and lookml field name for "Other Agency Referrals Allowed" has been changed to "Restricted Agency Referrals" in the following Buildings, Units, Unit Configuration Beds, and Programs view in the Inventory and Project Descriptor Models. The new fields have been aliased to the old field name. References to the fields named “other_agency_referrals_allowed” will redirect to “restricted_agency_referrals” in looker content.
LookML field Name Changes:
- “buildings.other_agency_referrals_allowed” -> “buildings.restricted_agency_referrals”
- “units.other_agency_referrals_allowed” -> “units.restricted_agency_referrals” “unit_bed_settings.other_agency_referrals_allowed” -> unit_bed_settings.restricted_agency_referrals programs.other_agency_referrals_allowed -> programs.restricted_agency_referrals
In the “Inventory - Building Units” view, a new "Total Beds" measure has been added.
When beds are enabled for a unit, the “Total Beds” measure counts the distinct unique bed identifiers associated with the unit. When beds are not enabled for a unit, the measure sums the bed inventory measures on the unit configurations page. This new measure makes it easier to analyze the bed inventory of all units included in an explore regardless of how they have enabled beds and makes use of the new unique bed identifier feature.
The “Max Available Beds” measure is a sum of the maximum number of available beds related to a particular unit throughout that unit’s configuration history. For example, if a Unit was created and linked to a Unit Configuration with 5 beds, then 2 months later configured to contain 10 beds, this measure would return 10 beds for that Unit. The measure is responsive to all filters included in the explore, including the reporting date filter.
A new "Bed ID" dimension has been added to the “Inventory - Building Units” View. This dimension displays the unique identifier of a bed linked to a unit with the "Enable Beds" toggle switched on.
New fields:
- “Total Beds”
- Description: “A sum of the Total Bed Inventory field of the Unit Configuration(s) by Unit IDs”
- LookML Field Name: bed_identifiers.total_beds
- “Max Available Beds”
- Description: “The addition of the total maximum number of available beds per unit.”
- LookML Field Name: max_available_beds_per_unit.total_available_beds
- “Bed ID”
- Description: “The ID for the Unit Bed Identifier”
- LookML Field Name: bed_identifiers.bed_id
The "Bed Status" view has been added. The "Inventory - Bed Status" view has been added. Please see the note about new Bed views in the Inventory model for more details.
New Fields:
Bed Status
- Is Current Bed Status
- Description: “Is Current Bed Status denotes if the status of the bed is current or not, determined by if bed status end date is in the future or is null. (Refers to unit status if 'Inventory - Unit Configuration Beds ID' is null.)”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_status.current_bed_status”
- Offline Description
- Description: “Detailed description of why the bed is offline.”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_status.offline_description”
- Offline Reason
- Description: “Why is the bed offline?”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_status.offline_reason_text”
- Status
- Description: “The status of the bed (Active, Offline or Inactive).”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_status.status_text”
- Status End Date
- Description: “The date the bed status ends.”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_status.end_date”
- Status Start Date
- Description: “The date the bed status starts.”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_status.start_date”
- Count
- Description: ”Count of bed status records.”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_status.count”
- Days Offline
- Description: “The number of days between 'Status Start' and 'Status End' when status equals offline. If there is no `Status End`, then the current date is used.”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_status.days_since_offline_measure”
Required Changes:
Any use of the "other_agency_referrals_allowed" lookml field names in data exports or API calls will need to change the field name to “restricted_agency_referrals”.
Any looker content using the “Unit Status” view to analyze Bed Status information needs to be updated to use the “Bed Status” view instead.
Project Descriptor Model, Data Quality Model
Two new fields are available in the “Programs” view related to Program Bulk Exits.
- “Bulk Exit Active Clients" -
- Description: "Is the Bulk Exit Active Clients toggle enabled on the program setup screen? If enabled, users are able to bulk exit active clients from the program."
- LookML Field Name: programs.enable_bulk_exit
- "Bulk Exit Scheduled"
- Description: "Is there a bulk exit scheduled for this program's future operating end date? This field displays 'Yes' when a user has clicked 'Exit Active Client Enrollments on Operating End Date' and a bulk exit is scheduled.”
- LookML Field Name: programs.need_bulk_exit
- "Bulk Exit Active Clients"
- Description: "Is the Bulk Exit Active Clients toggle enabled on the program setup screen? If enabled, users are able to bulk exit active clients from the program."
- LookML Field Name: dq_project_descriptor.enable_bulk_exit
- "Bulk Exit Scheduled"
- Description: "Is there a bulk exit scheduled for this program's future operating end date? This field displays 'Yes' when a user has clicked 'Exit Active Client Enrollments on Operating End Date' and a bulk exit is scheduled."
- LookML Field Name: dq_project_descriptor.need_bulk_exit
Required Actions: None
Outreach Model, Inventory Model
Five new client demographics fields are now available in the “Clients” view.
New Fields:
- 'Gender'
- Description: “HMIS Data Element 3.06.1. Each Gender category selected is displayed here separated by a comma.”
- LookML Field Name: client_demographics.gender_text
- 'Gender - If Different Identity, Please Specify'
- Description: “HMIS Data Element 3.06.1A”
- LookML Field Name: client_demographics.gender_identity_text
- 'Race and Ethnicity’
- Description: “HMIS Data Element 3.04.1”
- LookML Field Name: client_demographics.race_ethnicity_text
- Race and Ethnicity - Additional Detail'
- Description: “HMIS Data Element 3.04.2”
- LookML Field Name: “client_demographics.additional_race_ethnicity_detail”
- 'Race and Ethnicity All'
- Description: “HMIS Data Element 3.04.1. Each race and ethnicity category selected is displayed here separated by a semicolon.”
- LookML Field Name: “client_demographics.race_ethnicity_all_text”
Required Actions: None
Client Model
A new "Deleted” field has been added to the “Current Living Situation” view in the Client Model. This field allows users to see the deleted status of the current living situation screen.
New field:
- “Deleted”
- Description: “Has the Current Living Situation record been deleted?”
- LookML Field Name: current_living_situation_client_model.deleted
A new view, “Client Linking History”, has been created and added to the Client Model. This view shows information about a client’s previous “Personal ID” records and how their “Personal ID” records have changed over time.
New fields:
- “Added Date”
- Description: “The date the client was linked or unlinked from another client record and the Personal ID was changed.”
- LookML Field Name: client_linking_history.added_date
- Also includes Added Time, Added Week, Added Month, Added Quarter, Added Year
- “Operation Type”
- Description: “The type of change made to a client's Personal ID, either 'Unlinked' - Client excluded from duplication search (i.e. unlinked, Personal ID changed to the newly generated), or 'Linked' - Client linked to another client (i.e. Personal ID changed to the Personal ID of some existing client)”
- LookML Field Name: client_linking_history.operation_type
- “Previous Personal ID”
- Description: “The previous Personal ID associated with the client”
- LookML Field Name: client_linking_history.previous_personal_id
- “New Personal ID”
- Description: “The new Personal ID associated with the client after change.”
- LookML Field Name: client_linking_history.current_personal_id
- “Count of Previous Personal IDs”
- Description: “Distinct count of previous Personal IDs per client.”
- LookML Field Name: client_linking_history.previous_personal_id
- “List of Previous IDs”
- Description: “List of Previous IDs”
- LookML Field Name: client_linking_history.previous_personal_id_list
- “User Created”
- Description: “User creating the Personal ID change. HMIS Data Element 5.07”
- LookML Field Name: client_linking_history.ref_user_created
Required Actions: None
Inventory Model
Three new views have been added to the Inventory model: "Bed Occupancy", “Bed Status”, and "Bed Availability Status". Before this update, bed information was displayed in the “Unit Occupancy”, “Unit Status”, and “Unit Availability Status” view when the explore included the unit configuration beds. With this update the fields in each of the “Bed” views are applicable only to beds in the “Inventory - Unit Configuration Beds” view. The fields in each of the “Unit” views are only applicable to units in the “Inventory - Building Units” view.
New Fields:
Bed Occupancy View
- “Added Date”
- Description: “The date the record was added”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_occupancy.added_date”
- “Assignment Date”
- Description: “The date the referral was reassigned to the bed or the bed was assigned through the enrollment. When the bed is assigned through the program enrollment the assignment date will be the same as the "Bed Occupancy Added date". “
- LookML Field Name: “bed_occupancy.pending_occupation_start_date”
- “Assignment Method”
- Description: “Was the client assigned to the bed directly from the enrollment or by referral to the CQ?”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_occupancy.assignment_method”
- “Last Updated Date”
- Description: “The date the record was last updated”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_occupancy.last_updated_date”
- “Occupation End Date”
- Description: “The date the occupation ended”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_occupancy.occupation_end_date”
- “Occupation Start Date”
- Description: “The date the occupation started”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_occupancy.occupation_start_date”
- “Pending Occupation End Date”
- Description: “”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_occupancy.pending_occupation_end_date”
- “Referral Assignment Status”
- Description: “Status of the Referral Assignment for the Bed Occupancy Record. The Status will be Inactive if the bed occupancy was assigned by a referral which has been denied, expired or deleted, or an upcoming referral which was canceled.”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_occupancy.status_text”
- “Count”
- Description: “Count of bed occupancy records”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_occupancy.count”
Bed Availability Status View
- “Added Date”
- Description: “The date the record was added“
- LookML Field Name: “bed_availability_status.added_date”
- “Current Availability”
- Description: “The current availability status of the bed - shows if the bed is Available, Inactive, Offline, Pending Occupancy or Occupied.”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_availability_status.availability_status_text”
- “Current Status End Date”
- Description: “The date the availability status ends”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_availability_status.status_end_date”
- “Current Status Start Date”
- Description: “The date the availability status starts”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_availability_status.status_start_date”
- “Last Updated Date”
- Description: “The date the record was last updated.”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_availability_status.last_updated_date”
- “Count”
- Description: “Count of bed availability status records.”
- LookML Field Name: “bed_availability_status.count”
In the “Inventory - Programs” view, three new fields “Agency Name – Building", “Agency Name – Unit", and “Agency Name – Unit Configuration” have been added to display the agency name of the programs connected to the Building, Unit, and Unit Configuration.
New Fields:
- “Agency Name – Building"
- Description: “The name of the agency served by the building”
- LookML Field Name: programs_served_by_building.agency_name
- “Agency Name – Unit"
- Description: “The name of the agency served by the unit”
- LookML Field Name: programs_served_by_unit.agency_name
- “Agency Name – Unit Configuration”
- Description: “The name of the agency served by the unit configuration”
- LookML Field Name: programs_served_by_unit_configuration.agency_name
Required Actions: None
Project Descriptor Model
The field 'Program Requirements Eligibility Utilized' has been added to the Project Descriptor model, under the Programs view. This field shows if a program has ever been included in a client program restriction.
New Field:
- “Program Requirements Eligibility Utilized”
- Description: “Whether or not a program has/had program restriction eligibility requirements set up.”
- LookML Field Name: program_requirement_eligibility_utilized.program_requirement_eligibility_utilized
Required Actions: None
Data Quality Model
Veteran Status field is exposed underneath the Clients View in the Data Quality Model
New Field:
- “Veteran Status”
- Description: “Is the client a US Military Veteran. HMIS Data Element 3.07.1”
- LookML Field Name: dq_client_demographics.veteran_text
5 new fields have been added to the "DQ Sys Admin" view in the Data Quality model under the "Overlapping Residential Stays" Group. This field displays the start date of the overlapping program, regardless of the housing move-in date.
New fields:
- "Overlapping Program Start Date"
- Description: "This is Project Start Date of the program with the overlapping enrollment."
- LookML Field Name: dq_residential_stay_compare.overlapping_program_start_date
- Also includes Overlapping Program Start Time, Overlapping Program Start Week, Overlapping Program Start Month, Overlapping Program Start Quarter, and Overlapping Program Start Year.
Required Actions: None
Outreach Model
The "Encampment Custom" and "Encampment Custom History" views have been merged into a single "Encampment Custom" view. This view contains all the custom fields of the instance.
A new "Encampment Status" view has been added to expose fields related to the encampment status.
New Fields:
- "ID",
- Description: “The unique ID of each Encampment Status record.”
- LookML Field Name: encampment_data.ID
- "Agency Name"
- Description: “The name of the agency that created the Encampment Status record.”
- LookML Field Name: encampment_data.ref_agency_text
- "User Created",
- Description: “The name of the user that created the Encampment Status record.”
- LookML Field Name: encampment_data.ref_user_text
- "User Updated"
- Description: “The name of the user that last updated the Encampment Status record.”
- LookML Field Name: encampment_data.ref_user_updated_text
- "As of Date"
- Description: “The date the Encampment Status screen field values are created or updated.”
- LookML Field Name: encampment_data.as_of_date
- "Added Date"
- Description: “The date the Encampment Status record was created.”
- LookML Field Name: encampment_data.added_date
- Also includes Added Time, Added Week, Added Month, Added Quarter, and Added Year.
- "Last Updated Date"
- Description: “The date the Encampment Status record was last updated.”
- LookML Field Name: encampment_data.last_updated_date
- Also includes Last updated Time, Last Updated Week, Last Updated Month, and Last Updated Year
- "Is Last Status Record?"
- Description: “Returns Yes/No indicating this is the most recent Status record per Encampment.”
- LookML Field Name: last_encampment_data.is_latest
- “Is Last Status Record Per Encampment? (Filter Dependent)”
- Description: “Returns Yes/No indicating this is the most recent Status record per Encampment, after all filters have been applied.”
- LookML Field Name: last_encampment_data_filter_dependent_outreach.is_latest
- "Count"
- Description: “Number of Encampment Status records.”
- LookML Field Name: encampment_data.count
The "Is Last Custom Record?" group that holds the "per Encampment?" and "per Encampment? (Filter Dependent)" dimensions that allow the user to filter by record with the absolute most recent "As of Date" date per encampment, or with the most recent "As of Date" date per encampment once the query filters be applied.
Required Actions: None
HMIS Performance Model
Added the "Active?" field to the geolocations group in the "Location" group of the "Current Living Situations" view in the HMIS Performance model.
New Fields:
- “Active?”
- Description: “Is the Location an Active Location?”
- LookML Field Name: “cls_screen_geolocations.active_location”
Required Actions: None