Using the Customer Portal

Customer Portal: Resource Directory

This article describes how Clarity Human Services users with the "Access - Resource Directory" permission can search for and view details of the resources available to clients through the Customer Portal.


To view the Resource Directory, navigate to the Launch Pad and click RESOURCE DIRECTORY.

resource directory icon a

The RESOURCE DIRECTORY page opens. All resources entered in the Customer Portal will be displayed in a list and on a map. The list displays each resource’s Title, Agency, Program, Category, Address, Status, and Last Updated date.resource directory page


To filter the list of resources, select option(s) in the Agency, Program, Category, City, and/or Status drop-down menus and click SEARCH.

resource filter


To zoom into a resource’s location on the map, click on its location pin in the list.

resource directory map pin

To view additional information about a resource, hover over the resource title and click the eyeball icon.

resource directory view


To print a list of resources and details for all resources included in the list:

  • Click PRINT PREVIEW.  resource directory print preview a
  • A preview appears. Click PRINT.resource directory preview a


To print information about a single resource in the list:

  • Hover over the resource title and click the printer icon.resource directory print
  • A preview appears as shown above. Click PRINT.

Published: 02/10/2025