CoC NOFO Application Resources

CoC NOFO Application Resources

This article describes NOFO/CoC Competition Resources to support your CoC.


Data and HMIS system performance directly impact CoC NOFO scoring — now more
than ever.

Bitfocus created the following NOFO/CoC Competition Resources to support your CoC:

  • Checklist: This checklist can be used to review HMIS impact on CoC scoring and
    possible HMIS-related interventions.
  • Timeline: This timeline outlines the NOFO process, with expected dates, actions,
    HUD releases and prior year’s date information.
  • Program Performance LookML Dashboard: This dashboard contains many
    program level outcomes to support an objective rank and review process.

For Context:

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) funding is a critical primary funding source in
most homelessness response systems across the nation. This competitive
federal funding is available annually via the CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity
(NOFO). CoC collaborative applicants must apply each year to maintain and
potentially increase their community’s funding.

CoC collaborative applications are scored by HUD, and funds are awarded
accordingly. A CoC’s application score can be the catalyst or barrier to system
transformation. The higher the score, the more likely a CoC will be awarded funds
for bonus and/or expansion projects to enhance their CoC’s homelessness
response capacity.

Want more support?

Bitfocus understands that CoCs have varying types of expertise and levels of capacity,
and we are prepared to help CoCs design and implement an HMIS data strategy to
improve their CoC application score. This handout outlines the Professional Services
data strategy analysis support package. Please contact your BFF or Community Admin
Team to learn more or request Professional Services support.

Published: 01/11/2024