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[CLNT-102] Client History
Type of Report
This is a hybrid report requiring either services, program enrollments, and/or unit assignments. It is run on the client level for one client at a time.
The report provides a history of services provided, program enrollments, and Inventory related assignments for the client for the selected reporting period.
Running the Report
Who Can Run the Report
Anyone can run the report but results will be limited based on the user's access levels.
Report Location
The Client History report is a client-based report and must be run from the client's profile screen.
- Report Output Format
- Web Page
- Excel
Based on the parameters selected, the report returns
- Program Enrollments - active during the reporting period
- Services (either standalone or program connected) - provided during the reporting period
- Unit/Bed Assignments - occupied during the reporting period
Report Tables
The Unit History Table utilizes Project Type acronyms to ensure a clean layout. The Project Type acronyms are listed in the table below.
Abbreviation |
Project Type Code |
Project Type |
ES | 1 | Emergency Shelter |
TH | 2 | Transitional Housing |
PSH | 3 | PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry) |
SO | 4 | Street Outreach |
S/o | 6 | Services Only |
O | 7 | Other |
SH | 8 | Safe Haven |
PH - HO | 9 | PH - Housing Only |
PH - H w/S | 10 | PH - Housing with Services (no disability required for entry) |
DS | 11 | Day Shelter |
HP | 12 | Homelessness Prevention |
RRH | 13 | PH - Rapid Re-Housing |
CE | 14 | Coordinated Entry |
Updated: 03/08/2023