The Client Status dashboard is an essential tool for case managers and matchmakers, providing a comprehensive overview of an individual client's current HMIS status and system engagement. Designed for use with a single client at a time, the dashboard requires a unique identifier to be entered through the dashboard filter to retrieve specific client information.
Key features of the dashboard include:
Client Information: Displays critical demographic details, including client IDs, Last ROI, RHY sexual orientation, and performs checks for potential duplicate profiles to ensure data integrity and accuracy.
Latest Program Enrollment Data: Presents household information, disability status, recent monthly income, and details on special populations.
Client HMIS Information: Provides a thorough history of the client's program participation, including their most recent enrollment, aiding case managers in tracking progress, notes and identifying any service gaps.
Coordinated Entry Data: Delivers an up-to-date snapshot of the client's latest Coordinated Entry data, allowing matchmakers to make informed decisions.
By integrating these vital data points into a single, accessible view, the Client Status dashboard enhances the workflow for case managers and matchmakers, enabling them to respond promptly and effectively to their clients' needs.
Dashboard Filters
This dashboard includes three key filters:
Unique Identifier: A required filter that is used for displaying data for one client at a time, ensuring the dashboard presents information specific to the selected client.
Analysis Period: This filter allows users to focus on data within a specified time frame, offering a detailed view of program enrollments during that period.
Agency Name: An optional filter that enables users to narrow results to a specific agency, providing insights into agency-specific data.
Program CoC: An optional filter allowing users to limit results to a specific Program Continuum of Care (CoC).
Program Name: This optional filter enables users to narrow the results to a specific program, giving a more focused view of the client’s program engagement.
Personal ID: This filter helps users isolate data related to specific individuals linked to the client, ensuring precise information retrieval.

The table below outlines the specific Looks to which these filters apply and their default values.
Unique Identifier Default: Value required |
Applies to all Looks, expect for the for the Associated Client Profiles tile. Filter value required to run dashboard |
Analysis Period Default: is any value |
Most Recent Program Enrollment Data dashboard section: Applies to the most Recent Program Enrollment, RHY Sexual Orientation, Enrollment Assigned Staff, Most Recent Enrollment Household Information, Disability Information, Most Recent Monthly Income, Special Populations looks. Client HMIS Information: Applies to Active (Open) Enrollments, Active (Open) Enrollments Services and Notes, HMIS Enrollment History
Agency Name Default: is any value |
Most Recent Program Enrollment Data dashboard section: Applies to the most Recent Program Enrollment, RHY Sexual Orientation, Enrollment Assigned Staff, Most Recent Enrollment Household Information, Disability Information, Most Recent Monthly Income, Special Populations looks. Client HMIS Information: Applies to Active (Open) Enrollments, Active (Open) Enrollments Services and Notes, HMIS Enrollment History
Program CoC Default: is any value |
Most Recent Program Enrollment Data dashboard section: Applies to the most Recent Program Enrollment, RHY Sexual Orientation, Enrollment Assigned Staff, Most Recent Enrollment Household Information, Disability Information, Most Recent Monthly Income, Special Populations looks. Client HMIS Information: Applies to Active (Open) Enrollments, Active (Open) Enrollments Services and Notes, HMIS Enrollment History
Program Name Default: is any value
The Most Recent Program Enrollment Data dashboard section applies to the most recent program enrollment, RHY sexual orientation, Enrollment Assigned Staff, most recent enrollment household information, Disability Information, most recent monthly income, and Special Population looks. Client HMIS Information: Applies to Active (Open) Enrollments, Active (Open) Enrollments Services and Notes, HMIS Enrollment History
Personal ID ( Associated Client Profiles Filter Only) Default: is any value
Applies to the Associated Client Profiles look only. |
The “Client Status” LookML dashboard is organized into four key sections, each offering specific insights into client data. Below is an overview of the content available within each Look:
- Dashboard Sections:
- Client Information
- Most Recent Program Enrollment Data
- Client HMIS Information
- Client Coordinated Entry
For detailed information on the configuration of each Look within a section, including the fields used and any custom fields, please select ‘Explore from Here’ from the ellipses in the upper right corner of the Look.
Client Information
This section of the dashboard highlights the most current client information, including the client's Name, Client IDs, Client Demographics, associated client profiles, and the most recent system-wide ROI and active ROI's.
Note that the Analysis Period, Agency Name, Program Name, and Program CoC filters do not apply the the Client Information Looks.
Client Name
- This Look displays the client name from the client profile screen. A message will appear under the name if the client profile has been deleted.
Client IDs
- Displays the client unique identifier, Client ID and Personal ID.
Associated Client Profiles
- The Personal ID Dashboard filter is used to populate potential duplicate profiles for a client.
The Personal ID can be located on the "Client IDs" look. Please refer to the Link/Unlink tool for instructions on updating Personal ID and linked profiles.
Only the Personal ID filter will work for the Associated Profiles Look.
Client Demographics
- This look provides essential information about the client, including age, gender, race, ethnicity, and veteran status.
Release of Information
- This look tracks the client's most recent Release of Information and any active ROIs. It indicates whether an ROI is still valid or if it has been deleted.
Most Recent Program Enrollment Data
This section displays information from the client's most recent program enrollment, determined by the enrollment date within the specified reporting period and any applied dashboard filters.
The Personal ID filter does not apply to the Most Recent Program Enrollment Data Looks.
Most Recent Program Enrollment
- Offers a comprehensive overview of the client’s latest program enrollment. This includes details such as the program’s Continuum of Care (CoC), enrollment and exit dates, the name of the program, and its type. The information is filtered to present the most up-to-date data based on the reporting period and dashboard filters, providing users with a clear understanding of the client’s most recent program involvement
RHY Sexual Orientation
- Shows the client’s sexual orientation as recorded in Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) programs.
Enrollment Assigned Staff
- Details the staff member(s) assigned to the client’s most recent program enrollment. This includes staff names, their agency, and the start and end dates of their assignment. This information provides insight into the supporting assigned staff.
Most Recent Enrollment Household Information
- Provides comprehensive details about the client’s household during their most recent program enrollment. This includes household composition, type, and the total number of household members, offering valuable context about the client’s household.
Disability Information
- Lists all disabilities recorded for the client at the time of their most recent program update or exit. This includes physical, developmental, chronic health conditions, mental health, and substance use disorders.
Most Recent Monthly Income
- Details the client’s reported monthly income during their most recent enrollment. This includes both cash income and non-cash benefits such as food stamps and housing assistance, providing a comprehensive view of the client’s financial situation
Special Populations
- Identifies any special population categories relevant for federal reporting that the client belongs to. This includes groups such as Chronically Homeless households, survivors of domestic violence, unaccompanied youth under 18, and unaccompanied transition-aged youth (TAY) between 18-24.
Client HMIS Information
The following Looks highlight the client’s current open enrollments and HMIS Enrollment History, including notes and service details.
The Analysis Period and Personal ID filter do not apply to the Client HMIS Information Looks.
Active (Open) Enrollments
- Lists all active program enrollments, including the number of days the client has been in the program and their assigned staff members. This provides a real-time snapshot of the client’s current engagement across various programs, enabling case managers to monitor active participation.
Active (Open) Enrollments Services and Notes
- Offers a detailed breakdown of the services the client is receiving as part of their active enrollments. This includes case notes, assessments, and any staff-recorded updates, providing deeper insights into the client’s ongoing support and progress.
HMIS Enrollment History
- Provides a full record of the client’s historical program enrollments within the HMIS system. This history includes enrollment dates and exit dates helping users track the client’s long-term engagement.
Client Coordinated Entry
This section provides a detailed overview of the client’s involvement in Coordinated Entry programs within the past 13 months, helping case managers and matchmakers assess recent Coordinated Entry activity.
The Analysis Period, Agency Name, Program Name, and Program CoC filter, and Personal ID filter do not apply to the Client Coordinated Entry Looks.
Coordinated Entry Enrollments Active Within the Last 13 Months
- Displays the client’s active Coordinated Entry program enrollments within the past 13 months, including enrollment dates and assigned staff. This helps track the client’s ongoing participation and progress in Coordinated Entry services.
Coordinated Entry Assessments Within the Last 13 Months
- Provides details on any Coordinated Entry assessments the client has undergone in the past 13 months. This includes insights into their needs, vulnerabilities, days since the assessment, and prioritization.
Community Queue Referrals Within the Last 13 Months
- Shows the client’s referrals to the Community Queue during the past 13 months. This includes referral dates, statuses, and days since the referral was added to the Queue, highlighting the client’s journey through the referral process.
- Lists Coordinated Entry events provided to the client over the past 13 months. This includes event dates, types, and categories, to provide an insight to client interactions within the Coordinated Entry system.
Updated: 09/11/2024