- Clarity Human Services Help Center
- Data Analysis
- Sample Looks
New Clarity Human Services Interface
News and Announcements
Getting Started
- Accessing Clarity Human Services
- Client Records and Households
- Program Enrollments
- Managing Client Data in Screens
- Services
- Entering Client Location Data
- Files, Notes, and Contacts
- Charts and Goals
- The Attendance Module
- Working with the Referrals Tab and Community Queues
- Recording and Managing Referrals in the Client Record
Clarity Human Services: Customer Portal
Clarity Human Services: INVENTORY
Clarity Human Services: Outreach
System Administration
HUD and Federal Partner Resources
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COVID-19 Resources
Client Model: Clients with No Assessments/Enrollments
For some agencies, a program enrollment is essential to client case management and outcomes reporting. For coordinated entry projects, having an Assessment such as the VI-SPDAT is the starting point for the coordinated entry system for the community. No assessment, no prioritization.
The following suggested Look is intended to identify clients that may have missed getting a program enrollment &/or an assessment. The following is only a recommended approach, feel free to explore to best meet your needs.
- Explore - Client Model
- Fields
Add the following fields to the Look:- [Personal ID] (Clients folder)
- [Date Created] (Clients)
- [Agency that created Client Profile] (Clients)
- [Full Name] (Programs) &/or Assessment Name (Client Assessments)
- [User Updating] (Clients)
- Filters
- To identify clients missing a necessary assessment, filter on the following dimensions:
- [Agency that created Client Profile] "is equal to" type in the agency name(s)
- [Date Created] (Clients):
- "is in the past" Year, Quarter, Complete Quarter, etc. OR
- "is on or after" choose the date to meet your needs OR
- "is any time" OR
- other criteria
- [Assessment Name] "is not equal to" type in the assessment(s) that are needed
- To identify clients with no Enrollments in the agency or specific projects, filter on the following dimensions:
- [Agency that created Client Profile] "is equal to" type in the agency name(s)
- [Date Created] (Clients):
- "is in the past" Year, Quarter, Complete Quarter, etc. OR
- "is on or after" choose the date to meet your needs OR
- "is any time" OR
- other criteria
- [Full Name] or [Name] (Programs) "is not equal to"
- Use [Full Name] to easily find and exclude all agency programs
- Use [Name] to select certain programs to exclude
- Sys Admins: To find all clients without any program enrollments:
- Filter by [Enrollment ID] (Enrollments) "is null"
- To identify clients missing a necessary assessment, filter on the following dimensions: