Sample Looks

Client Model: Identifying Archivable Clients

A best practice for human services systems is to periodically remove or archive data for inactive clients. The Client Model provides a method to identify inactive clients using the "Last Interaction" features of the model. For a description of the "Last Interaction" fields, refer back to the Client Model article.

The following is a suggested Look to use to identify those clients who have not interacted with the Continuum of Care system in a user-defined number of years.

  1. Explore - Client Model
  2. Fields
    Add the following fields to the Look:
    • [Personal ID] (Clients)
    • Interaction Date (Client Last Interaction)
    • Interaction Type (Client Last Interaction)
  3. Filters
    Add the following filters:
    • [Interaction Date Year] (Client Last Interaction) "is before" and choose the date, for example, 2012/01/01
      • This will select clients where their last interaction was in 2011 or earlier
    • [Active in Project] (Enrollments) "is" No
      • This will only include clients with no active project enrollments
    • Add additional filters as required for the situation

The resulting list will be those clients whose records are candidates for archiving. 

To archive client records, System Administrators can either delete client records within Clarity (soft delete), using the DIT, or reach out to your BFF or Community Administrator for script options.

Note: Always follow your community's policies for archiving client data.

Updated: 09/27/2024