Dashboard Library

Clarity Usage and System Stats


The Clarity Usage and System Stats LookML dashboard contains systemwide data at a glance. From Clarity Usage to Overall Stats, the dashboard allows a quick, high-level overview of the data in Clarity to inspire deeper dives and system configuration auditing. The content is broken down into six sections – Agency Information, Program Information, Staff/User Information, Client and Enrollment Information, Coordinated Entry Information, and Service Information – containing 21 Looks.  

Dashboard Filters 

There are two filters on this dashboard to limit data by CoC and Analysis Period. The table below outlines what Looks the filters apply to and default values.  


Default: is any value 

All Looks  

Analysis Period 

Default: is in the last 12 months 

  • Client Profiles Created During the Analysis Period by Agency  
  • Exited Enrollments Over the Analysis Period 
  • Enrollments Over the Analysis Period 
  • Coordinated Entry Referrals Over the Analysis Period  
  • Coordinated Entry Referral Outcomes Over the Analysis Period 
  • Service Counts by Category Over the Analysis Period 


The following Looks make up the Clarity Usage and System Stats LookML dashboard. The overview below is broken down by dashboard summary and includes a brief summary of the Looks’ content. For more information on how the Look is configured, what fields are used, or custom fields, please review the Look by selecting ‘Explore from Here’ within the ellipses in the upper right corner.  

Agency Information 

Count of Agencies  

This Look contains a count of total and active agencies.  

Active Agencies by CoC 

This Look contains a count of active agencies by CoC.  

Program Information 

Active Program Count 

This Look contains the count of all active programs and the count of active, expired program. (Active programs include active and active, expired programs.) 

Active Continuum/HMIS Participating Programs 

This Look contains the count of active continuum programs, active HMIS participating programs, and the total active programs. (Active programs include active and active, expired programs.) 

Active Programs by Project Type 

This Look contains the count of active and active, expired programs by project type.  

Active, Expired Programs and Programs Expiring within the Next 60 Days  

This Look contains a list of active, expired programs and programs nearing expiration within the next 60 days with additional agency and program details.  

Staff/User Information 

User Account Status  

This Look contains counts of active user accounts, locked user accounts, and inactive user accounts.  

User Logins  

This Look contains the count of users that logged in today, within the last week, within the last month, within the last 6 months, and within the last year, as well as the count of active users that have not logged in within the last year.  

Active User Counts by Primary Access Role 

This Look contains a table with the count of users by Primary Access Role and CoC.  

Access Roles with Data Analysis Access 

This Look contains information on which Primary Access Roles contain Data Analysis Access Rights. A green cell means that the Data Analysis Access Right is toggled on for the Primary Access Role.  

Client and Enrollment Information 

Client Last HMIS Activity 

This Look contains counts of clients that had HMIS activity* today, within the last week, within the last month, within the last 6 months, and within the last year, as well as the count of clients that have not had HMIS activity within the last year.  

*HMIS activity is defined by the Client Activity field for this Look. For more information on the Client Activity field, please review the Field Comparison: Client Activity and Client Interaction article.

Client Profiles Created During the Analysis Period 

This Look contains a count of clients that were created by agency and CoC within the Analysis Period.  

Actively Enrolled Housed Client Count 

This Look contains a count of actively enrolled clients that have a household move-in date by project type and CoC (CoC Code of Client at Project Start).  

Exited Enrollments Over the Analysis Period 

This Look contains a breakdown of exit destinations* by project type within the Analysis Period. The Look contains percentages of exits to permanent and non-permanent destinations. To view a count of clients, hover over the percentage value.  

*Permanent destinations include the following exit destinations:  

  • Permanent housing (other than RRH) for formerly homeless persons 
  • Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy 
  • Rental by client, with ongoing housing subsidy
  • Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy  
  • Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy 
  • Staying or living with family, permanent tenure 
  • Staying or living with friends, permanent tenure
  • Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA PH

Enrollments Over the Analysis Period 

This Look contains the count of new enrollments during the Analysis Period, clients actively enrolled during the Analysis Period, enrollments active during the Analysis Period, and enrollments exited during the Analysis Period by project type.  

If a count on the visualization is not visible, hover over the element to view the count.  

Coordinated Entry Information 

Coordinated Entry Referrals Over the Analysis Period 

This Look contains a count of clients assessed for Coordinated Entry and the count of total assessments within the Analysis period, the count of clients with a referral added to a Community Queue, and the count of total referrals added to the Community Queue within the Analysis period, the count of clients with a reassigned referral and the total reassigned referrals within the Analysis Period, count of accepted/enrollment connected referrals and total referral connected enrollments within the Analysis period, and the count of clients that had referral connected move-in dates and total referral connected move-in dates within the Analysis period. 

Client and total counts may differ as the Number of Clients measure returns an unduplicated client count.  

Please note the following:  

  • Values are calculated for Coordinated Entry Assessments referred through a Community Queue.  
  • Assessed and referred-to community queue counts utilize an 'Assessing Agency CoC' filter, while the remaining metrics use a 'Referred-to Agency CoC' filter.  
  • Referred to CQ counts only analyze when the first referral in a chain is added to the queue.  
  • Active Enrollments in Coordinated Entry by Household Type 
  • This Look contains a count of active Coordinated Entry enrollments by Coordinated Entry Program, CoC, and enrollment household type.  

Current Program Openings 

This Look contains an overview of current program openings (reserved and unreserved) with agency, program, project type, and CoC information.  

Coordinated Entry Referral Outcomes Over the Analysis Period 

This Look contains an overview of referral status/outcomes (count of clients, count of referrals, and totals) that occurred within the Analysis Period by referred-to agency, referred-to program, and referred-to agency CoC.  

Only Community Queue-based referrals with a Coordinated Entry assessment are included within this Look. 

Service Information 

Service Counts by Category Over the Analysis Period 

This Look contains a count of services within the Analysis Period by category, agency name, and CoC. Service counts include any service with a service date within the Analysis Period and will include all service delivery types.  

Recently Expired and Soon to Expire Services 

This Look contains details on recently expired and soon to expire services. The table includes agency name, agency CoC, service name, service item name, service category, service availability start and end dates, expiration status (recently expired, expiring today, or soon to expire), a visual alert(soon to expire = yellow, expired today= red-violet, recently expired=red, and a list of linked programs.  

Updated: 10/1/2023