
Automatic Exits and Status Updates

The following table summarizes the settings in Clarity Human Services that can be enabled to automatically affect referrals and program enrollments according to specific parameters.

Name of Setting Function Where is this setting found?
Community Referral Threshold Automatically sends a referral back to the Community Queue tab after it has been on the Pending tab for a specified number of days. MODIFY COMMUNITY QUEUE page    
Settings based on Inactivity
Direct Referral Expiration Threshold

Automatically expires a direct referral (i.e. a referral made directly to a program and not reassigned from the Community Queue) that has been “Pending”/”Pending In Process” without any client activity* recorded in the system for a specified number of days.

Note: the system can auto-expire both public and private referrals.

Inactive Referral Expiration Threshold

Automatically expires a Community Queue referral when no client activity is recorded in the system for a specified number of days. Client activity includes the following: adding an assessment, adding or editing a contact in the Contact tab, adding a file, adding or editing a location in the Location tab, adding a client, enrolling a client, exiting a client, adding a status for a client, adding a service and/or attendance date, adding a referral, adding a note, adding an alert, adding a Coordinated Entry Event, editing a Coordinated Entry assessment and client check-ins.

Note: the system can auto-expire both public and private referrals.

Auto Exit Due to Inactivity

Automatically records an exit from a program when none of the enrollment's household members have program-related activity (Unit connections, services, Coordinated Entry Events/Results, or program-level assessments, including Annual, Status, CLS, and Custom/CE assessments, adding or editing a location on the Location tab, adding or editing a contact on the Contact tab, or editing a Coordinated Entry Assessment) during the specified number of days.

Settings based on Permanent Destination
Automated removal from the Community Queue

Automatically removes a referral from the Community Queue when:

  • A Housing Move-In Date is recorded for the enrollment of a Head of Household for any permanent housing program.


  • A permanent housing Destination is recorded for any program exit screen.
Auto Exit to Permanent Destination  Automatically records an exit from an enrollment in a Coordinated Entry or Encampment program when:
  • A Housing Move-In Date is recorded for the enrollment of a Head of Household for any permanent housing program.


  • A permanent housing Destination is recorded for any program exit screen.

*Client activity includes the following: adding an assessment, adding a contact, adding a file, adding a location, adding a client, enrolling a client, exiting a client, adding a status for a client, adding a service and/or attendance date, adding a referral, adding a note, adding an alert, adding a Coordinated Entry Event and client check-ins.

Updated: 09/24/2024