Program Enrollments

Adulthood Notifications

This article describes how the system notifies users about clients who turn 18 while enrolled in a program.

The HMIS Data Standards specify that the following Data Elements must be updated when a child ages into adulthood (i.e., turns 18 years old) while enrolled in a program:

  • 4.02 Income and Sources
  • 4.03 Non-Cash Benefits

To comply with this requirement, Clarity Human Services provides notifications to users regarding clients who age into adulthood while enrolled in a program.

While the client is enrolled in the program:

As the client’s 18th birthday approaches, the system will provide the following notifications that the client is about to age into adulthood:

  • A banner on the client’s program enrollment saying, “This client is aging into adulthood in [X days]. Please update the required Income and Non-Cash Benefit information on or after their birthdate."
    When all required fields are updated and saved, the banner will disappear.
  • An email to the program’s Assigned Staff saying, “[Link to client profile] is aging into adulthood in [X days]. Please log in and update the required Income and Non-Cash Benefit information on or after their birthdate.”
  • A Clarity Inbox message to the program’s Assigned Staff saying, “Client [UID] is aging into adulthood in [X days]. Please log in and update the required Income and Non-Cash Benefit information on or after their birthdate.”

These notifications will only be provided if all of the following are true for the Receiving Non-Cash Benefits (benefits_noncash) and/or Client has Cash Income (income_cash_is) fields:

  • The field is displayed on the screen (ie., not hidden by custom display constraints).
  • The Data Quality Check setting for the field is set to "Required." 
  • The field is empty (NULL)

Note: No alert will be provided for clients who are already 18 or older when they are enrolled in the program.

The timeframe for how soon before the client’s 18th birthday these notifications will appear is selected via the Aging into Adulthood Notification setting on the Program Setup page. System Administrators and Agency Managers can set the toggle to ON, then select the timeframe from the Threshold of picklist.

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If the income and/or non-cash benefit information is still missing when the client turns 18, the system will provide the following notifications that the client has aged into adulthood and that the missing information needs to be updated on the enrollment screen:

  • A banner on the client’s program enrollment saying, “This client has aged into adulthood. Please update the required fields."
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    When all required fields are updated and saved, the banner will disappear.
  • An email to the program’s Assigned Staff saying, “[Link to client profile] has aged into adulthood. Please review the client’s Program data to ensure Income and Non-Cash Benefits information is entered or updated as applicable.”
  • A Clarity Inbox message to the program’s Assigned Staff saying, “Client [UID] has aged into adulthood. Please review the client’s Program data to ensure Income and Non-Cash Benefits information is entered or updated as applicable.”

When the client is being exited from the program:

If the client has aged into adulthood while enrolled in the program, the system will display the following warning banner when a user is exiting the client: 

"Client has turned 18 years old while in the project. Please review project entry information. (Click here)" 

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Clicking the banner will navigate the user to the client’s program enrollment screen so that the user can make any updates that are needed.

Published: 11/2/23